Setting up Xnest
06 May 2021 - faintshadows
Xnest for Solaris machines
Real easy from what I have experienced. Remote X11, how can you say no to that!
Note: this really only worked on my Gentoo desktop, my MacBook with XQuartz and my iMac G5 with the X11 packages installed wouldn't connect to my Solaris 8 install for whatever reason.
But from a terminal, just run
Xnest :1 -query <IP> -geometry <W>x<H> -fp tcp,<ip>:7100
where IP
is the IP of the Solaris machine you're connecting to.
and W
, H
, are the X and Y values of the window you're wanting to use,
for Solaris and CDE I'd recommend 1280x1024.
You can trim this from what I can tell just to
Xnest :1 -query <IP> -geometry <W>x<H>
If I figure out why it won't work on Apple's X servers, I'll update this file with the details.
~faint @